
“At Toothpix Dental Healthcare, we have state-of-the-art technology and all the facilities required to make your dental experience comfortable, painless and easy.”


LASER technology in simple term refers to application of highly concentrated light molecules onto the tooth or gums to bring about certain changes thereby accomplishment of the treatment.

Benefits of laser:



  1. Is LASER harmful?
    No, if used by a trained practitioner and on following all the precautions, LASER is not harmful.
  2. What precautions are necessary?
    LASER specific eye glasses are to be worn by the patient & operators during the procedure in order to protect the eyes.
  3. Does LASER produce harmful radiation?
    LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, simply means concentration of light. LASER doesn’t produce any harmful radiation like X-ray or UV radiation does. It is totally safe and applicable.

Digital x-rays

Digital x-rays aids in immediate detection and diagnosis of decay and other pathologies. Digital radiography is a form of X-ray imaging, where digital X-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film.



Intra oral camera

Intra oral camera used to show and educate the patients about the conditions of their oral cavity.


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